Fit Styler Fashion Pattern Making
Marker Plotting
Helps you bring down fabric wastage and quote accurate prices to acquire clients:
If you manufacture products and you need your files from your CAD system to be printed in the shortest possible time and delivered to the manufacturer that sends us the files over the internet we will print them out.
We can print markers up to 200 cm in width, and just about any length. Our large format plotter generates an uncompromising quality output on a variety of media. We can now create paper copies of your makers, plot your patterns, make duplicates, and print your mini-plots of patterns (single-size or graded nests).
Using state-of-the-art plotters we can plot full-length markers as well as the base and graded patterns as per scale.
Once the markers have been approved, they may be plotted to add lot-specific information, providing you with additional control over your cutting. Order as many or as few copies as you need.
File formats and extensions that can be plotted:
ASSYST------------------------------ASSYS, PLOT FILE DAT
GERBER-----------------------------TMP DATA, PLT, GEN
LECTRA------------------------------VET IBA, MDL, PLX, PLA
OPTITEX----------------------------DSN, DSP, PDS
AAMA / ASMT--------------------DXF, RUL
All plotted drawings can be delivered by courier.
When making a pattern or making a marker for a given design in the apparel industry many times young designers and small start-up companies can not afford the cost of a state-of-the-art plotter due to the high cost and maintenance service required periodically to maintain these digital plotters running.
Fortunately, you are not obligated to pay thousands of dollars for a state-of-the-art paper-plotting machine when you can pay only for the pattern designs and markers you need to plot out. It is a lot more economical to pay for plotting services and have duplicates or copies plot out for you when you need them only versus having to worry about buying parts for your plotting equipment because it got damaged with use and now you have to pay a leg and an arm to have it repaired.
Based on the length of your marker to be a plot out you will pay by meter price or a minimum plotting charge which in comparison to paying a monthly service charge to maintain a plotter running is a very small fraction of the price to be paid not mentioning the cost of paper for plotting which is expensive too.
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